Crazy Math Game

Crazy Math Game

Crazy Math Game

Endless questions and answers Game speed can be changed (default is 3 seconds) 4 levels, based on the player's current score


Infinite Question and Answer: The game should generate an endless sequence of math questions and answers for the player to solve. As the player progresses, the difficulty may increase.

Game Speed can be Changed: Players can adjust the speed of the game. The default speed is set to 3 seconds, which means they have 3 seconds to answer a question. This allows for a customizable and more challenging experience.

4 Levels: The game has four levels that are based on the player's score:

Level 1: Addition
Level 2: Subtraction
Level 3: Multiplication
Level 4: Random, which could include questions from levels 1 to 3.
HTML5: The game is developed using HTML5, which ensures compatibility with modern web browsers and platforms.

Mouse/Touch Control: Players can interact with the game using either a mouse or touch input on devices like smartphones and tablets.

All Platforms: The game is designed to run on multiple platforms, making it accessible to a wide audience. This could include desktop browsers, mobile devices, and more.

Commented Code/Events: The game's source code or events in Construct 2 are well-documented with comments. This makes it easier for other developers to understand and modify the game.

Easy to Reskin: The game is designed in a way that makes it simple to change its visual appearance. This could involve altering graphics, fonts, and other visual elements without needing to modify the game's core functionality.

Made with Construct 2: Construct 2 is a visual game development platform that allows developers to create HTML5 games with a visual interface, making it accessible to those without extensive programming experience.


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Category Website HTML 5
First Release 21 November 2024
Last updated 21 November 2024
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